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Becca JamesĬomedian Grace Thomas has a lot of feelings about The Santa Clause franchise. Tune in to “the hangout sitcom of a podcast” for even more guidance and laughs like this.

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“There’s nothing wrong with being a sadist, but you have to find a masochist,” says Gay. The trio’s amusing analysis often provides solid advice, too. Diving into everything from character motivation to conspiracy theories, the discussion is as enthralling as the show itself.

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This episode offers a lively conversation with Roxane Gay and Seth Rogen about the bonkers and bingeable 90 Day Fiancé franchise, which Ray recaps for Vulture. Hosted by Ashley Ray-Harris, whom you’ll recognize from her now-suspended Twitter account, the podcast “keeps listeners up to date on the shows everyone is talking about, digs deep into classic tropes, and breaks down the best moments in television.” An extension of the smart and witty takes found in Ray’s writing (don’t sleep on her bylines) and comedy, the show sees her employ her deft interviewing skills and comedic timing to talk to various guests most engagingly.

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